Friday, March 11, 2016

Cardiovascular Physiology: Monitoring the Heart

To further our understanding of the cardiovascular system, we began to explore the physiology of the system by conducting another EKG lab.

In this lab, it was our goal to collect an EKG reading of a pulse and evaluate the P,Q,R,S, and T wave intervals, as well as determine the heart rate (beats per minute). To do this, we used and EKG sensor that was connected to the computer and attached to the subject's arm by three electrode tabs. The green (negative) and black (ground) tabs were attached to the right arm, and the red (positive) tab was attached to the left arm.

As the data was collected, the subject sat with their arms resting on their legs, allowing an accurate collection of data. After a few moments, the computer presented a data chart:

To fully understand this lab, it is important to know the different waves in a pulse. The waves have 5 main categories: P, Q, R, S, and T. The P wave is the first wave to occur, and it helps the heart "gear up" for the action part of the beat, which occurs through waves Q, R, and S.  Recovery from the beat occurs during wave T. 

After the pulse was recorded, the intervals between each wave was measured, and the heart rate was calculated. We compiled this data into another chart:

As you can see, some of the data we collected differed from the "Standard Resting Electrocardiogram Interval Times". This is most likely because we conducted the lab with the electrode tabs on the arms rather than directly over the heart, which caused a slight variation in the accuracy of the data.  Overall, the data was fairly close to what it was expected to be. 

During this lab, we were able to visualize and measure cardiovascular activity, as well as recognize the different wave forms seen in an EKG reading. Through this, our understanding of cardiovascular activity was enhanced. 

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